Sunday, September 30, 2012

Toledo's Tit's

The title of this post is neither vulgar nor mechanically incorrect.  Okay, perhaps it is vulgar, but there is no punctuation error.  Tit's is the shortened possessive form of  Titgemeier's, the eponymous name proudly emblazoned on the front of a feed and garden store on Western Avenue (Tit's is not the plural form of a word that is not fit for print).  I'm new to Toledo, but it's because of places like this that I'm falling in love with the city.

I came across the store when I ran a Google search on homebrew supplies.  At first glance, I did not see  "gemeier's" and was tempted to close the browser before anybody noticed what I thought I had stumbled into.  Luckily, I realized what I was looking at and found what turned out to be an excellent homebrew supply store.  The prices either matched or bested the ones I saw in the Northern Brewer catalog and the people working in the store were helpful and friendly.  

My plan was to brew tonight, but I had to postpone until tomorrow since I was too lazy to go out and buy ice at the supermarket.  So I've been up all night thinking about Tit's, where I intend to pick up a piece of equipment that will obviate the need for buying ice ever again (at least for brewing).